Pour renforcer un nouveau comportement, il est important de le relier à un ancien. Une transition est souhaitable pour atteindre nos objectifs et je dirais surtout ceux en matière d'alimentation.
Même les personnes qui doivent faire des choix importants pour leur santé vivent une transition pour changer leurs habitudes.
D'abord dans la tête, puisqu'il faut passer par l'acceptation à vouloir changer et ensuite par les essais de différentes options et finalement, par le choix d'une ligne de conduite pour mettre en place un nouveau comportement.
In online learning, students attend classes on the Internet and involve in real interactions with teachers and students at the other end. Students can attend the curriculum at their own pace and easily access the class from anywhere.
Online Learning is a reality and gradually becoming part of formal education. This educational model appeals especially to anyone who can’t attend a physical faculty or school. Online Learning also hops the national boundaries and is offered for dispersed college students that can have a wider choice of online programs.
How does online learning work? Learning management systems (LMS) provide an accessible exchange of information between professors and students. Τhis way, students can view learning material at their leisure or even attend scheduled conferences or lectures.
Concerning test-taking, learners can submit course assignments through the LMS, participate in a discussion, or submit other tasks. Lastly, professors may provide feedback to the student through comments or emails when using this LMS.